Carcinogenic Potency Database Example of Published Plot Format
A sample of the plot of the CPDB and description for one experiment is given below.
Left side of the CPDB plot.
Spe Strain Site Xpo+Xpt TD50 2Tailpvl
Sex Route Hist Notes DR AuOp
[1] [2][3][4][5] [6] [7] [8][9][10] [11] [12] [13] [14][15][16]
CHLOROFORM 100ng..:..1ug....:..10.....:..100....:..1mg....:..10.....:..100....:..1g.....:..10
1401 R m osm gav kid MXA 18m26 : + : / P<.0005c
a R m osm gav TBA MXB 18m26 * P<.5
b R m osm gav liv MXB 18m26 * P<.08
Right side of the CPDB plot.
RefNum LoConf UpConf Cntrl 1Dose 1Inc 2Dose 2Inc Citation or Pathology
Brkly Code
[17][18][19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
1401 TR-A 65.5mg 0/20 45.2mg 4/50 90.3mg 12/50 kid:tla,uac.
a TR-A 43.5mg n.s.s. 9/20 45.2mg 24/50 90.3mg 20/50
b TR-A n.s.s. 0/20 45.2mg 1/50 90.3mg 3/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd.
A unique number is assigned to each experiment in the CPDB plot, and lowercase letters for subsequent lines identify each TD50 calculated for that experiment. The number inserted above each field corresponds to the description below.
- [1]
- Chloroform is the chemical. The three asterisks indicate that chloroform results were reported in more than one published plot of the CPDB.
- [2]
- R: species is rat.
- [3]
- m: sex is male.
- [4]
- osm: strain is Osborne-Mendel.
- [5]
- gav: route of administration is gavage.
- [6]
- kid: site is kidney.
- [7]
- MXA: histopathology is a mix of tumor types combined by NCI. The pathology is indicated on the right side of the plot under [27] where the codes are “kid:tla,uac” indicating a mix of tubular-cell adenoma and tubular-cell adenocarcinoma. The site and histopathology is reported in the nomenclature used in the original published paper or technical report.
- [8]
- 18m: length of exposure is 18 months.
- [9]
- 26m: length of experiment is 26 months.
- [10]
- “Notes” is blank here but is used to describe particulars such as survival problems or variable dosing schedules.
- [11]
- Logarithmic scale for TD50 and confidence limits.
- [12]
- The plotted TD50 value with the symbol “+” indicating that the statistical significance of the TD50 is p<0.01. The symbol colon indicates the 99% confidence limits for TD50 and shows that TD50 was calculated with lifetable data.
- [13]
- value of TD50 in milligrams/kilogram/day.
- [14]
- Shape of the dose-response curve, determined by the goodness-of-fit test for departure from linearity. The symbol “/” indicates significant departure from linearity with upward curvature.
- [15]
- p<.0005: two-tailed p-value associated with testing whether the slope of the dose-response curve is different from zero.
- [16]
- c: NCI opinion that chloroform was carcinogenic, inducing the tumors indicated under [6] and [7].
- [17]
- The right side of the plot lists the experiment number.
- [18]
- 67-66-3: CAS registry number for chloroform.
- [19]
- TR-A: unique reference number for a paper or an NCI/NTP identification number.
- [20-21]
- 65.5mg and lower and upper confidence limits for the TD50 in milligrams/kilograms/day.
- [22-26]
- Proportion of animals with tumors in [6-7] and average daily dose-rate in milligrams/kilograms/day for the control group and each dose group. For NCI/NTP the denominator indicates the starting number of animals, and the numerator indicates the number of animals with tumors by the end of the experiment.
- [27]
- Codes for histopathology for NCI/NTP and literature citation for papers published in the general literature. Lines a and b under this experiment give results for mandatory sites that are always included in the database whenever data are available. TBA: all tumor-bearing animals; and liv: liver.
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Last updated: August 6, 2007