Code |
Site |
--- |
all sites |
abc |
abdominal cavity |
abd |
abdomen |
adr |
adrenal gland |
adu |
acoustic duct |
amd |
adrenal medulla |
aol |
aorta and large arteries |
arp |
adrenal capsule |
asc |
colon, ascending |
auc |
external auditory canal |
aur |
auricular region |
b/l |
lung, bronchiole |
bil |
bile duct |
blv |
blood vessels |
bmd |
brain, medulla |
bod |
body cavities |
bom |
bone marrow |
bon |
bone |
bra |
brain |
bre |
breast |
brf |
brown fat, dorsal |
brm |
brain, meninges |
brs |
brain stem |
ccx |
cerebral cortex |
cec |
cecum |
chp |
cheek pouch |
clb |
cerebellum, cerebrum |
cli |
clitoral gland |
clm |
cerebellum, meninges |
clr |
colorectum |
cns |
central nervous system |
col |
colon |
crb |
cerebrum |
crl |
cerebellum |
cst |
stomach, cardiac |
cvu |
cervix uteri |
cvx |
cervix |
cyx |
coccyx |
der |
dermis |
dgt |
digestive tract |
dsc |
colon, descending |
duo |
duodenum |
eac |
ear canal |
ear |
ear |
edu |
ear duct |
ehp |
extrahepatic tissue |
eld |
eyelid |
epg |
epiglottis |
epi |
epidermis |
epy |
epididymis |
eso |
esophagus |
eye |
eye |
fat |
fat |
fgr |
forestomach, greater curvature |
fhd |
forehead |
fls |
forestomach, lesser curvature |
for |
forestomach |
frb |
forebrain |
gab |
gall bladder/bile duct |
gal |
gall bladder |
gam |
gastric mucosa |
git |
gastrointestinal tract |
gnv |
gingiva |
hag |
Harderian gland |
hea |
heart |
hed |
head |
hnt |
hard palate/nasal turbinates |
hpl |
hypophysis |
hum |
humerus |
ilm |
ileum |
isp |
interscapulum |
itl |
intestinal tract |
itn |
intestine |
jej |
jejunum |
k/p |
kidney/pelvis |
kcx |
kidney cortex |
kid |
kidney |
kpp |
kidney papilla |
ktu |
kidney tubule |
l/b |
lung, bronchus |
lar |
larynx |
lcg |
lacrimal gland |
leg |
leg |
lep |
leptomeninges |
lgi |
large intestine |
liv |
liver |
lmr |
lymphoreticular system |
lpp |
lip |
lun |
lung |
lyd |
lymph node |
mam |
mammary tissue (other than or including more than mammary gland) |
mds |
mediastinum |
mei |
mesenteric intestine |
meo |
mesovarium |
mey |
mesentery |
mgl |
mammary gland |
mix |
more than one site; sites specified in published paper |
mln |
mesenteric lymph node |
mls |
multiple sites |
mth |
mouth |
mul |
multiple organs |
mus |
muscle |
more than one site, combined by NCI/NTP |
more than one site, combined by Berkeley for the CPDB |
myc |
myocardium |
nac |
nasal mucosa |
nap |
nasal passageway |
nas |
nasal cavity |
nbo |
nasal cavity, olfactory region, Bowman's gland |
ncp |
nasal cavity, posterior region |
ner |
nervous system |
nlw |
nasal cavity, respiratory epithelium, lateral wall |
nof |
nasal cavity, olfactory epithelium |
nol |
n. olfactorius |
npc |
nasal and paranasal cavity |
npl |
nipple |
nre |
nasal cavity, respiratory epithelium |
nsa |
nasal cavity, adenoid |
nse |
nose |
nsm |
nasal septum |
nsp |
nasopharynx |
ntu |
nasal turbinate |
olb |
olfactory bulb |
omt |
omentum |
opx |
oropharynx |
orc |
oral cavity |
orm |
oral mucosa |
ova |
ovary |
pae |
pancreas, exocrine |
pal |
palate |
pan |
pancreas |
pdu |
pancreatic duct |
pec |
peritoneal cavity |
pel |
pelvis |
pep |
paraepididymal tissue |
per |
peritoneum |
phr |
pharynx |
pit |
pituitary gland |
pls |
palate, soft |
pnd |
pancreas/pancreatic duct |
pni |
pancreatic islets |
pnl |
paranasal sinus |
pnm |
perinium |
pnr |
peripheral nerves |
pns |
peripheral nervous system |
pre |
preputial gland |
prn |
pararenal tissue |
pro |
prostate |
prv |
prostate, ventral lobe |
pta |
pituitary gland, anterior |
pty |
parathyroid |
pyl |
pylorus |
rec |
rectum |
rel |
reticuloendothelium |
rep |
reproductive tract |
res |
respiratory system |
sbg |
sebaceous gland |
scl |
scalp |
sev |
seminal vesicle |
sft |
skin of foot and toe |
sgp |
stomach, glandular, pyloric region
skb |
skin of back |
skf |
skin of flank |
ski |
skin |
sku |
skull |
slg |
salivary gland |
slm |
submandibular salivary gland |
smi |
small intestine |
spc |
splenic capsule |
spd |
spinal cord |
spl |
spleen |
spn |
spinal nerves |
srp |
splenic red pulp |
ssq |
stomach, squamous |
ssu |
skin and subcutis |
stf |
stomach, fundic |
stg |
stomach, glandular |
stn |
stomach, nonglandular |
sto |
stomach |
sub |
subcutaneous tissue |
tba |
all tumor bearing animals, general literature |
all tumor bearing animals, NCI/NTP |
tes |
testis |
thi |
thigh |
thm |
thymus gland |
thx |
thorax |
thy |
thyroid gland |
tna |
tunica albuginea |
tnv |
tunica vaginalis |
ton |
tongue |
trh |
trachea |
tyf |
thyroid follicle |
ubl |
urinary bladder |
ubr |
urinary bladder/ureter |
ugi |
upper gastrointestinal tract |
unt |
urinary tract |
ure |
ureter |
urt |
urethra |
ute |
uterus |
utm |
uterus, endometrium |
vag |
vagina |
ver |
vertebra |
vse |
vascular epithelium |
zym |
Zymbal’s gland |