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Gold, L.S., Manley, N.B., Slone, T.H., and Ward, J.M. (2001). Compendium of chemical carcinogens by target organ: Results of chronic bioassays in rats, mice, hamsters, dogs and monkeys. Toxicol. Pathol. 29: 639-652. PDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Ames, B.N., and Manley, N.B. Pesticide Residues in Food and Cancer Risk: A Critical Analysis. In: Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, Second Edition (R. Krieger, ed.), San Diego, CA: Academic Press, pp. 799-843 (2001). PDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., and Ames, B.N. Natural and Synthetic Chemicals in the Diet: A Critical Analysis of Possible Cancer Hazards. In: Food Safety and Food Quality. R.E. Hester & R.M. Harrison, eds. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology 15. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 95-128 (2001). PDF
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Misconceptions about pollution, pesticides and the prevention of cancer. In: The Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology. J. Lehr, ed. New York: McGraw-Hill (2000). Text
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Ames, B.N. and Gold, L.S. Pollution, pesticides and cancer misconceptions. In: Fearing Food: Risk, Health and Environment (J. Morris & R. Bate, eds.), Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 19-37 (1999).
Ames, B.N. and Gold, L.S. Nueve ideas recibidas pasadas por la criba de la ciencia (Misconceptions about Pollution, Pesticides, and the Prevention of Cancer). Mundo Cientifico 207:31-37 (1999).
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Gold, L.S. and Slone, T.H. Ranking Possible Toxic Hazards of Dietary Supplements Compared to Other Natural and Synthetic Substances. Testimony to the Food and Drug Administration on Dietary Supplements, Docket No. 99N-1174, August 16, 1999. PDF
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Ames, B.N. and Gold, L.S. The rodent high-dose cancer test is limited at best: When cell division is ignored, then risk assessment will be flawed. Comments Toxicol. 6(4): 271-276 (1998).
Ames, B. N., Gold, L. S., and Willett, W. C. The causes and prevention of cancer. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana: Enciclopedia del Novecento, XI: 341-350 (1998). Abstract (1998).
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S. Misconceptions About Environmental Pollution, Pesticides and the Causes of Cancer. NCPA Policy Report No. 214. Dallas, TX: National Center for Policy Analysis (1998). Executive Summary PDF
Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., and Ames, B. N. What do animal cancer tests tell us about human cancer risk? Overview of analyses of the Carcinogenic Potency Database. Drug Metabolism Reviews 30: 359-404 (1998). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N. and Gold, L.S. The Prevention of Cancer. Drug Metabolism Reviews 30: 203-225 (1998). PDF
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Ames, B.N. and Gold, L.S. The Prevention of Cancer. In: Functional Foods for Disease Prevention I: Fruits, Vegetables, and Teas, (T. Shibamoto, J. Terao, T. Osawa, eds.), Washington, DC : American Chemical Society. ACS Symposium Series 701: pp. 2-15 (1998). PDF
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Gold, L. S., Stern, B. S., Slone, T. H., Brown, J. P. Manley, N. B., and Ames, B. N. Pesticide residues in food: Investigation of disparities in cancer risk estimates. Cancer Letters 117: 195-207 (1997). AbstractPDF
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S., Environmental pollution, pesticides, and the prevention of cancer: Misconceptions. FASEB J. 11: 1041-1052 (1997). AbstractPDF
Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., and Ames, B. N. Prioritization of possible carcinogenic hazards in food. In: Food Chemical Risk Analysis (D. Tennant, ed.), London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 267-295 (1997). Text
Gold, L. S., Manley, N.B., and Slone, T.H. Summary of the Carcinogenic Potency Database by target organ. In: Handbook of Carcinogenic Potency and Genotoxicity Databases (L. S. Gold & E. Zeiger, eds.), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 607-620 (1997).
Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., and Ames, B. N. Summary of the Carcinogenic Potency Database by chemical. In: Handbook of Carcinogenic Potency and Genotoxicity Databases (L. S. Gold & E. Zeiger, eds.), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 621-660 (1997).
Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., and Ames, B. N. Overview of analyses of the Carcinogenic Potency Database. In: Handbook of Carcinogenic Potency and Genotoxicity Databases (L. S. Gold & E. Zeiger, eds.), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 661-685 (1997).
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Ames, B. N., Gold., L. S., and Shigenaga, M. K. Cancer prevention, rodent high-dose cancer tests, and risk assessment. Invited editorial. Risk Analysis 16: 613-617 (1996). PDF
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Freedman, D., Gold, L. S., and Lin, T. Concordance Between Rats and Mice in Bioassays for Carcinogenesis. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 23: 225-232 (1996). AbstractPDF
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S. The rodent high-dose cancer test is limited at best: When cell division is ignored, then risk assessment will be flawed. BELLE Newsletter 5(2-3): 4-7 (1996). Text
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S. Cell Division and DNA Lesions are key factors in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and cancer prevention. In: Encyclopedia of Cancer (J. R. Bertino, ed.), Orlando, FL: Academic Press, Volume 2, pp. 1120-1128 (1996). Abstract
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S. The causes and prevention of cancer: Gaining perspectives on management of risk. In: Improving Risk Management: From Science to Policy (R. W. Hahn, ed.), Oxford University Press, pp. 4-45 (1996).
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S. The causes and prevention of cancer: An overview. In: Accomplishments in Cancer Research 1995 (J. G. Fortner and P. A. Sharp, eds.), Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, pp. 70-91 (1996).
Gray, C. B., Anderson, F. R., Fischoff, B., Gold, L. S., Hornig, D., Jasanoff, S., Landy, M., Melnick, R. S., Merrill, R., Portney, P. R., Powers, C., Ruckelshaus, W. D., Stewart, R., Sunstein, C., and Zimmerman, R. Reform of risk regulation: Achieving more protection at less cost. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1: 183-206 (1995). PDF
Gold, L. S., and Slone, T. H. The mouse liver in perpsective: Comparison of target organs of carcinogenicity for mutagens and non-mutagens in chronic bioassay. Fifth Workshop on Mouse Liver Tumors: Summary Report. Washington, DC: International Life Sciences Institute, 1995. Text
Oldenburg, C., S. Benson, K. Pruess, J. Daisey, N. Brown, L. Gold, and J. Macfarlane. The SELECT environmental remedy selection tool: A platform for T2VOC multiphase transport modeling. AIChE Symposium Series, vol. 91, no.306, 38-43, 1995. PDF
Gold, L.S., Manley, N.B., Slone, T.H., Garfinkel, G.B., Ames, B.N., Rohrbach, L., Stern, B.R., and Chow, K. Sixth Plot of the Carcinogenic Potency Database: Results of Animal Bioassays Published in the General Literature 1989-1990 and by the National Toxicology Program 1990-1993. Environmental Health Perspectives 103 (Suppl. 8): 3-122 (1995). AbstractText
Gaylor, D W., and Gold, L S. Quick estimate of the regulatory virtually safe dose based on the maximum tolerated dose for rodent bioassays. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 22: 57-63 (1995). AbstractPDF
Lin, T., Gold, L.S., and Freedman, D. Carcinogenicity tests and interspecies concordance. Statistical Science, 10: 337-353 (1995). AbstractPDF
Ames, B. N., Gold, L. S., and Willett, W. C. The causes and prevention of cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 92: 5258-5265 (1995). PDF
Ames, B. N., and Gold, L. S. The Causes and Prevention of Cancer: The Role of Environment. In: The True State of the Planet (ed. R. Bailey), Washington, D.C.: Free Press, 1995, pp. 141-175. Abstract
Gold, L.S, Slone, T.H., Manley, N.B., Ames, B.N. Heterocyclic Amines Formed by Cooking Food: Comparison of Bioassay Results with Other Chemicals in the Carcinogenic Potency Database. Cancer Letters 83: 21-29 (1994). AbstractPDF
Gold, L. S. Garfinkel, G. B., and Slone, T. H. Setting Priorities Among Possible Carcinogenic Hazards in the Workplace. In: Chemical Risk Assessment and Occupational Health: Current Applications, Limitations, and Future Prospects (C. M. Smith, D. C. Christiani, and K. T. Kelsey, eds.), Westport, CT: Auburn House, pp. 91-103, 1994. AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S. The Importance of data on mechanism of carcinogenesis in efforts to predict low dose human risk. Risk Analysis 13(4): 399-401 (1993). PDF
Slone, T.H. Body Surface Area Misconceptions. Risk Analysis, Letter to the editor, 13(4): 375-377 (1993). PDF
Gold, L.S., and Slone, T.H. Prediction of carcinogenicity from 2 vs. 4 sex-species groups in the Carcinogenic Potency Database. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 39: 147-161 (1993). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Stern, B.R., and Bernstein, L. Comparison of target organs of carcinogenicity for mutagenic and non-mutagenic chemicals. Mutation Research 286: 75-100 (1993). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., Shigenaga, M.K., and Gold, L.S. DNA lesions, inducible DNA repair, and cell division: Three key factors in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Environmental Health Perspectives 101 (Suppl. 5): 35-44 (1993). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Manley, N.B., Slone, T.H., Garfinkel, G.B., Rohrbach, L., and Ames, B.N. The fifth plot of the Carcinogenic Potency Database: Results of animal bioassays published in the general literature through 1988 and by the National Toxicology Program through 1989. Environmental Health Perspectives 100: 65-135 (1993). AbstractPDF
Freedman, D.A., Gold, L.S., and Slone, T.H. How tautological are interspecies correlations of carcinogenic potency? Risk Analysis 13: 265-272 (1993). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Stern, B.R., Manley, N.B., and Ames, B.N. Possible carcinogenic hazards from natural and synthetic chemicals: Setting priorities. Comparative Environmental Risk Assessment (R. Cothern, ed.), Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, pp. 209-235 (1993). Abstract
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Environmental pollution and cancer: some misconceptions. Phantom Risk: Scientific Inference and the Law (K. R. Foster, D. E. Bernstein, P. W. Huber, eds.), M.I.T. Press, pp. 153-181 (1993).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Animal cancer tests and cancer prevention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monograph #12: 125-132 (1992). Abstract
Gold, L.S., Manley, N.B., and Ames, B.N. Quantitative and qualitative extrapolation of carcinogenesis between species. Proceedings of the conference on chemical risk assessment in the DoD: Science, policy, and practice (H. J. Clewell III, ed.), Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists, pp. 59-66 (1992).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Too many rodent carcinogens: mitogenesis increases mutagenesis. Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns (J. Lehr, ed.), Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp. 181-186 (1992).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Endogenous mutagens and the causes of aging and cancer. Mutation Research 250: 3-16 (1991). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Manley, N.B., Garfinkel, G.B., Hudes, E.S., Rohrbach, L., and Ames, B.N. The Carcinogenic Potency Database: Analyses of 4000 chronic animal cancer experiments published in the general literature and by the U.S. National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program. Environmental Health Perspectives 96: 11-15 (1991). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Manley, N.B., and Bernstein, L. Target organs in chronic bioassays of 533 chemical carcinogens. Environmental Health Perspectives 93: 233-246 (1991). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Risk assessment of pesticides. Chemical Engineering News 69 (1): 28-32 (1991). Rebuttals. 48-9 (1991).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Mitogenesis, mutagenesis, and rodent cancer tests. CSHL Symposium on the Origins of Human Cancer, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pp. 125-135 (1991).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Natural chemicals, synthetic chemicals, risk assessment, and cancer. Xenobiotics and Cancer (L. Ernster et al., eds.), Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 303-314 (1991). Abstract
Ames, B.N., Profet, M., and Gold, L.S. Dietary carcinogens and mutagens from plants. Mutagens in Food: Detection and Prevention (H. Hayatsu, ed.), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 29-50 (1991).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Mitogenesis, mutagenesis, and animal cancer tests. Chemically Induced Cell Proliferation: Implications for Risk Assessment (B. Butterworth, W. Farland, and M. McClain, eds.), New York: Alan R. Liss, pp. 1-20 (1991).
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Misconceptions on pollution and the causes of cancer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 29: 1197-1208 (1990). Reprinted in L’actualite chimique pp. 391-393 (1991). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Perspective: Too many rodent carcinogens: Mitogenesis increases mutagenesis. Science 249: 970-971 (1990). Letters: 250: 1498 (1990); 250: 1645-1646 (1990); 251: 12-13 (1991); 251: 606-608 (1991); 252: 902 (1991). PDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Backman, G.M., Eisenberg, S., Da Costa, M., Wong, M., Manley, N.B., Rohrbach, L., and Ames, B.N. Third chronological supplement to the Carcinogenic Potency Database: Standardized results of animal bioassays published through December 1986 and by the National Toxicology Program through June 1987. Environmental Health Perspectives 84: 215-286 (1990). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Chemical carcinogenesis: Too many rodent carcinogens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 87: 7772-7776 (1990). PDF
Ames, B.N., Profet, M., and Gold, L.S. Dietary pesticides (99.99% all natural). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 87: 7777-7781 (1990). PDF
Ames, B.N., Profet, M., and Gold, L.S. Nature’s chemicals and synthetic chemicals: Comparative toxicology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 87: 7782-7786 (1990). PDF
Gold, L.S., Bernstein, L., and Ames, B.N. The importance of ranking possible carcinogenic hazards using HERP. Risk Analysis 10 (4): 625-628 (1990). PDFLetters
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Dietary carcinogens, environmental pollution, and cancer: some misconceptions. Medical Oncology and Tumor Pharmacotherapy 7(3-4): 69-85 (1990). Abstract
Gold, L.S., Bernstein, L., Magaw, R., and Slone, T.H. Interspecies extrapolation in carcinogenesis: Prediction between rats and mice. Environmental Health Perspectives 81: 211-219 (1989). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Pesticides, risk, and applesauce. Science 244: 755-757 (1989). PDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., and Bernstein, L. Summary of carcinogenic potency (TD50) and positivity for 492 rodent carcinogens in the Carcinogenic Potency Database. Environmental Health Perspectives 79: 259-272 (1989). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., and Gold, L.S. Misconceptions regarding environmental pollution and cancer causation. In: Health Risks and the Press (M. Moore, ed.), The Media Institute in cooperation with the American Medical Association, Washington, DC, pp. 19-34 (1989).
McCann, J., Gold, L.S., Horn, L., McGill, R., Graedel, T.E., and Kaldor, J. Statistical analysis of Salmonella test data and comparison to results of animal cancer tests. Mutation Research 205: 183-195 (1988). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Backman, G.M., Hooper, N.K., and Peto, R. Ranking the potential carcinogenic hazards to workers from exposures to chemicals that are tumorigenic in rodents. Environmental Health Perspectives 76: 211-219 (1987). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Slone, T.H., Backman, G.M., Magaw, R., Da Costa, M., Lopipero, P., Blumenthal, M., and Ames, B.N. Second chronological supplement to the Carcinogenic Potency Database: Standardized results of animal bioassays published through December 1984 and by the National Toxicology Program through May 1986. Environmental Health Perspectives 74: 237-329 (1987). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Wright, C., Bernstein, L., and de Veciana, M. Reproducibility of results in “near-replicate” carcinogenesis bioassays. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 78: 1149-1158 (1987). AbstractPDF
Ames, B.N., Magaw, R., and Gold, L.S. Ranking possible carcinogenic hazards. Science 236: 271-280 (1987). Letters: 237: 235 (1987); 237: 1283-1284 (1987); 237: 1399-1400 (1987); 238: 1633-1634 (1987). AbstractPDF
Reprinted in: The Risk Assessment of Environmental and Human Health Hazards (D. J. Paustenbach, ed.), New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1082-1104 (1989).
Gold, L.S., de Veciana, M., Backman, G.M., Magaw, R., Lopipero, P., Smith, M., Blumenthal, M., Levinson, R., Bernstein, L., and Ames, B.N. Chronological supplement to the Carcinogenic Potency Database: Standardized results of animal bioassays published through December 1982. Environmental Health Perspectives 67: 161-200 (1986). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Bernstein, L., Kaldor, J., Backman, G., and Hoel, D. An empirical comparison of methods used to estimate carcinogenic potency in long-term animal bioassays: Lifetable vs. summary incidence data. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 6: 263-269 (1986). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S., Ward, J.M., Bernstein, L., and Stern, B. Association between carcinogenic potency and tumor pathology in rodent carcinogenesis bioassays. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 6: 677-690 (1986). AbstractPDF
Hooper, K., and Gold, L.S. Ranking the carcinogenic hazards of occupational exposures: Exposure-Potency Index (EPI) values for nine volatile industrial chemicals. In: Monitoring of Occupational Genotoxicants (M. Sorsa and H. Norppa, eds.), New York: Alan R. Liss, pp. 217-228 (1986). Abstract
Bernstein, L., Gold, L.S., Ames, B.N., Pike, M.C., and Hoel, D.G. Some tautologous aspects of the comparison of carcinogenic potency in rats and mice. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 5: 79-86 (1985). AbstractPDF
Bernstein, L., Gold, L.S., Ames, B.N., Pike, M.C., and Hoel, D.G. Letter to the editor: Toxicity and carcinogenic potency. Risk Analysis 5: 263-264 (1985). PDFLetters
Gold, L.S., Sawyer, C.B., Magaw, R., Backman, G.M., de Veciana, M., Levinson, R., Hooper, N.K., Havender, W.R., Bernstein, L., Peto, R., Pike, M.C., and Ames, B.N. A Carcinogenic Potency Database of the standardized results of animal bioassays. Environmental Health Perspectives 58: 9-319 (1984). AbstractPDF
Peto, R., Pike, M.C., Bernstein, L., Gold, L.S., and Ames, B.N. The TD50: A proposed general convention for the numerical description of the carcinogenic potency of chemicals in chronic-exposure animal experiments. Environmental Health Perspectives 58: 1-8 (1984). AbstractPDF
Sawyer, C., Peto, R., Bernstein, L., and Pike, M.C. Calculation of carcinogenic potency from long-term animal carcinogenesis experiments. Biometrics 40: 27-40 (1984). AbstractPDF
Gold, L.S. Human exposures to ethylene dichloride. In: Banbury Report 5: Ethylene Dichloride: A Potential Health Risk? (B. N. Ames, P. Infante, R. Reitz, eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, pp. 209-225 (1980). PDF
Hooper, N.K., Gold, L.S., and Ames, B.N. The carcinogenic potency of 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) in two animal bioassays: A comparison of inhalation and gavage studies. In: Banbury Report 5: Ethylene Dichloride: A Potential Health Risk? (B.N. Ames, P. Infante, R. Reitz, eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, pp. 65-81 (1980). PDF
Ames, B.N., Hooper, N.K., Sawyer, C.B., Peto, R., Havender, W., Gold, L.S., Harris, R.H., and Rosenfeld, M. Carcinogenic Potency: A progress report. In: Banbury Report 5: Ethylene Dichloride: A Potential Health Risk? (B.N. Ames, P. Infante, R. Reitz, eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, pp. 55-63 (1980). PDF
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