Rat Target Sites | Mouse Target Sites | TD50 (mg/kg/day) | |||
Male | Female | Male | Female | Rat | Mouse |
liv | liv | liv | liv | 716m | 700m |
Key to the Table Above
The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on 1547 chemicals. The CPDB provides easy access to the bioassay literature, with qualitative and quantitative analyses of both positive and negative experiments that have been published over the past 50 years in the general literature through 2001 and by the National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program through 2004. The CPDB standardizes the diverse literature of cancer bioassays that vary widely in protocol, histopathological examination and nomenclature, and in the published author’s choices of what information to provide in their papers. Results are reported in the CPDB for tests in rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, and nonhuman primates.
For each experiment, information is included on species, strain, and sex of test animal; features of experimental protocol such as route of administration, duration of dosing, dose level(s) in mg/kg body weight/day, and duration of experiment; experimental results are provided on target organ, tumor type, and tumor incidence; carcinogenic potency (TD50) and its statistical significance; shape of the dose-response, author’s opinion as to carcinogenicity, and literature citation.
Only tests with dosing for at least ¼ the standard lifespan of the species and experiment length at least ½ the lifespan are included in the CPDB. Only routes of administration with whole body exposure are included. Doses are standardized, average dose rates in mg/kg/day. A description of methods used in the CPDB to standardize the diverse literature of animal cancer tests is presented for: 1) Criteria for inclusion of experiments 2) Standardization of average daily dose levels and 3) TD50 estimation for a standard lifespan. See Methods for other details.
TD50 provides a standardized quantitative measure that can be used for comparisons and analyses of many issues in carcinogenesis. The range of TD50 values across chemicals that are rodent carcinogens is more than 100 million-fold. More than half the chemicals tested are positive in at least one experiment.
A plot of all results on each experiment in the CPDB for this chemical is presented below. These results are the source information for the Cancer Test Summary table above.
Chemical (Synonym) CAS # Species Sex Strain Route Xpo+Xpt PaperNum 0 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose Literature Reference or NCI/NTP:Site Path Site Path Notes TD50 DR Pval AuOp LoConf UpConf Cntrl 1 Inc 2 Inc 3 Inc Brkly Code
DI(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE (di-sec-octyl phthalate, DEHP) 117-81-7 2776 M f b6c eat 24m24 TR217 : 0 383.mg 765.mg liv MXA 825.mg * P<.0005 c 513.mg 1.67gm 1/50 12/50 18/50 liv:hpa,hpc. liv hpc 1.05gm * P<.0005 c 638.mg 1.89gm 0/50 7/50 17/50 TBA MXB 350.mg \ P<.003 175.mg 2.07gm 20/50 35/50 (35/50) liv MXB 825.mg * P<.0005 513.mg 1.67gm 1/50 12/50 18/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. lun MXB 7.26gm * P<.07 2.20gm n.s.s. 0/50 1/50 2/50 lun:a/a,a/c. 2777 M f b6c eat 78w79 2442m 0 12.8mg 64.2mg 193.mg 770.mg David;faat,50,195-205;1999/2000 liv mix Cekr 650.mg * P<.004 + 260.mg 5.48gm 0/15 1/10 1/10 1/10 6/15 liv hpa Cekr 1.10gm * P<.04 363.mg n.s.s. 0/15 1/10 1/10 1/10 4/15 liv hpc Cekr 2.66gm * P<.03 654.mg n.s.s. 0/15 0/10 0/10 0/10 2/15 2778 M f b6c eat 18m24 2442n 0 579.mg liv mix Cer 553.mg P<.0005 + 341.mg 1.03gm 3/55 30/55 liv hpc Cer 834.mg P<.0005 479.mg 1.87gm 3/55 23/55 liv hpa Cer 1.50gm P<.0005 790.mg 3.39gm 0/55 13/55 2779 M f b6c eat 24m24 2442o 0 12.9mg 64.4mg 193.mg 773.mg liv mix Cer 463.mg * P<.0005 + 321.mg 723.mg 3/55 3/50 6/55 18/55 38/55 liv hpa Cer 721.mg * P<.0005 493.mg 1.13gm 0/55 1/50 3/55 8/55 30/55 liv hpc Cer 1.88gm * P<.0005 986.mg 6.21gm 3/55 2/50 3/55 10/55 14/55 2780 M m b6c eat 24m24 TR217 : 0 353.mg 713.mg liv MXA 976.mg * P<.03 c 440.mg n.s.s. 14/50 25/49 29/50 liv:hpa,hpc. liv hpc 1.82gm * P<.08 c 736.mg n.s.s. 9/50 14/49 19/50 TBA MXB 1.54gm * P<.4 413.mg n.s.s. 29/50 37/49 38/50 liv MXB 976.mg * P<.03 440.mg n.s.s. 14/50 25/49 29/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. lun MXB no dre P=1. 1.97gm n.s.s. 10/50 9/49 7/50 lun:a/a,a/c. 2781 M m b6c eat 78w79 2442m 0 11.8mg 59.2mg 178.mg 711.mg David;faat,50,195-205;1999/2000 liv mix Cekr 46.4gm * P<1. 577.mg n.s.s. 1/15 1/10 3/10 1/10 2/15 2782 M m b6c eat 18m24 2442n 0 535.mg liv hpc Cer 2.19gm P<.03 898.mg n.s.s. 4/55 12/55 liv mix Cer 2.37gm P<.09 + 863.mg n.s.s. 7/55 14/55 2783 M m b6c eat 24m24 2442o 0 11.9mg 59.4mg 178.mg 713.mg liv mix Cer 546.mg * P<.0005 + 330.mg 1.14gm 7/55 13/50 18/55 26/55 35/55 liv hpc Cer 1.14gm * P<.0005 634.mg 3.07gm 4/55 5/50 8/55 14/55 21/55 liv hpa Cer 1.74gm * P<.004 812.mg 13.6gm 3/55 9/50 11/55 13/55 18/55 2784 R f f34 eat 24m24 TR217 : 0 294.mg 589.mg liv MXA 1.11gm * P<.0005 c 644.mg 2.40gm 0/50 6/50 13/50 liv:hpc,nnd. liv hpc 2.30gm * P<.002 c 1.12gm 5.90gm 0/50 2/50 8/50 liv nnd 2.35gm * P<.02 1.11gm n.s.s. 0/50 4/50 5/50 S TBA MXB 1.67gm * P<.6 321.mg n.s.s. 41/50 43/50 49/50 liv MXB 1.11gm * P<.0005 644.mg 2.40gm 0/50 6/50 13/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. 2785 R f f34 eat 78w79 2442m 0 123.mg 617.mg David;faat,50,195-205;1999/2000 liv mix Cek 848.mg * P<.02 + 255.mg n.s.s. 0/10 0/10 3/10 liv hpc Cek 1.34gm * P<.05 328.mg n.s.s. 0/10 0/10 2/10 2786 R f f34 eat 18m24 2442n 0 464.mg liv mix Cer 1.62gm P<.0005 + 787.mg 4.17gm 0/70 10/55 liv hpa Cer 2.81gm P<.002 1.14gm 12.7gm 0/70 6/55 liv hpc Cer 4.29gm P<.01 1.48gm 524.gm 0/70 4/55 2787 R f f34 eat 24m24 2442o 0 4.95mg 24.8mg 124.mg 619.mg liv mix Ce 1.56gm Z P<.0005 + 888.mg 3.42gm 0/70 4/50 1/55 3/55 19/70 liv hpc Ce 2.59gm * P<.0005 1.35gm 6.39gm 0/70 1/50 0/55 1/55 12/70 liv hpa Ce 5.19gm * P<.02 1.97gm n.s.s. 0/70 3/50 1/55 2/55 7/70 2788 R f f34 eat 24m24 2463 0 15.0mg 50.0mg 600.mg Cattley;clet,38,15-22;1987/pers.comm. liv mix Cer 1.16gm * P<.002 + 457.mg 7.23gm 0/20 1/20 1/20 6/20 liv nnd Cer 1.95gm * P<.03 619.mg n.s.s. 0/20 1/20 1/20 4/20 liv hpc Cer 4.35gm * P<.03 1.07gm n.s.s. 0/20 0/20 0/20 2/20 2789 R m f34 eat 24m24 TR217 : 0 235.mg 475.mg liv MXA 1.17gm * P<.03 c 526.mg n.s.s. 3/50 6/50 12/50 liv:hpc,nnd. liv hpc 3.36gm * P<.2 c 1.13gm n.s.s. 1/50 1/50 5/50 TBA MXB no dre P=1. 455.mg n.s.s. 36/50 35/50 34/50 liv MXB 1.17gm * P<.03 526.mg n.s.s. 3/50 6/50 12/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. 2790 R m f34 eat 95w95 1823 0 800.mg Rao;carc,8,1347-1350;1987 liv mix er 499.mg P<.003 + 193.mg 2.61gm 0/8 6/10 liv hpc er 895.mg P<.02 303.mg n.s.s. 0/8 4/10 liv hpn er 2.05gm P<.2 501.mg n.s.s. 0/8 2/10 2791 R m f34 eat 25m25 1982 0 800.mg Rao;jtxe,30,85-89;1990 liv mix er 412.mg P<.0005 + 178.mg 1.59gm 1/10 11/14 2792 R m f34 eat 78w79 2442m 0 98.7mg 494.mg David;faat,50,195-205;1999/2000 liv mix Cek 360.mg * P<.03 + 126.mg n.s.s. 1/10 1/10 5/10 liv hpc Cek 560.mg * P<.05 171.mg n.s.s. 1/10 0/10 4/10 2793 R m f34 eat 18m24 2442n 0 371.mg liv mix Cer 769.mg P<.0005 + 405.mg 2.24gm 4/70 18/55 liv hpa Cer 1.39gm P<.008 606.mg 31.8gm 4/70 12/55 liv hpc Cer 1.91gm P<.002 823.mg 6.76gm 0/70 7/55 2794 R m f34 eat 24m24 2442o 0 3.96mg 19.8mg 99.0mg 495.mg liv mix Ce 725.mg * P<.0005 + 444.mg 1.43gm 4/70 5/50 4/55 10/55 29/70 liv hpc Ce 1.05gm * P<.0005 644.mg 1.88gm 0/70 0/50 1/55 3/55 20/70 liv hpa Ce 1.28gm * P<.0005 686.mg 3.67gm 4/70 5/50 3/55 7/55 20/70 pan ana e 3.91gm P<.008 1.48gm 70.5gm 0/60 5/59 --- mnl e 1.36gm * P<.04 539.mg n.s.s. 15/65 13/50 16/55 32/65 27/65 2795 R m f3d eat 52w52 2161m 0 800.mg Hayashi;carc,15,2215-2219;1994 liv mix ekr no dre P=1. 412.mg n.s.s. 0/10 0/10 2796 R m f3d eat 78w78 2161n 0 800.mg liv mix er 551.mg P<.03 + 162.mg n.s.s. 0/8 3/7
See full CPDB Summary Table on 1547 chemicals. See Full CPDB for all results on 6540 experiments of 1547 chemicals.
A complete list of CPDB chemicals, which is searchable by name or by CAS number, is available here.
For a compendium of CPDB results organized by target organ, which lists all chemicals in each species that induced tumors in each of 35 organs, see Summary Table by Target Organ.
The CPDB is available in several formats that permit printing and downloading into spreadsheets and statistical databases.
A Supplementary Dataset gives details on dosing and survival for each experiment.
Relatively precise estimates of the lower confidence limit on the TD10 (LTD10) are readily calculated from the TD50 and its lower confidence limit, which are reported in the CPDB. For researchers and regulatory agencies interested in LTD10 values, we provide them in an Excel spreadsheet.
PDF versions of our publications of analyses using the CPDB are available, organized by year and by research topic.