The Carcinogenic Potency Project

Glycidol (CAS 556-52-5)
SMILES, InChI and Structure are below.
Rats and Mice: Cancer Test Summary
Rat Target Sites Mouse Target Sites TD50 (mg/kg/day)
Male Female Male Female Rat Mouse
ezy lgi mgl nrv per ski sto thy cli hmo mgl nrv orc sto thy hag liv lun ski sto hag mgl ski sub ute 4.28m 34.7m

Hamsters: Cancer Test Summary
Hamster Target Sites TD50
Male Female
vsc vsc 56.1m

Key to the Table Above

Positivity: For each chemical with a positive (carcinogenic) experiment in the Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB), results are included on carcinogenic potency (TD50) in each species and target sites in males and females. Positivity is determined by an author’s opinion in a published paper. If all experimental results in the CDPB are negative in a sex-species group, “no positive” appears. If the CPDB has no experiments in the sex-species group, “no test” appears. The summary presents the strongest evidence of carcinogenicity in each group. If there are both positive and negative experiments in a sex-species, the negative results are ignored in this Summary Table.
Target Site Codes:   cli = clitoral gland. ezy = ear/Zymbal’s gland. hag = harderian gland. hmo = hematopoietic system. lgi = large intestine. liv = liver. lun = lung. mgl = mammary gland. nrv = nervous system. orc = oral cavity (includes tissues of the mouth, oropharynx, pharynx, and larynx). per = peritoneal cavity. ski = skin. sto = stomach. sub = subcutaneous tissue. thy = thyroid gland. ute = uterus. vsc = vascular system. Target sites are listed if any author of published experimental results concluded that tumors were induced in that organ by the test agent. If there is more than one positive experiment in a sex-species, target sites listed may be from more than one experiment, e.g. if liver and lung are both listed, then liver may have been a target in one experiment and lung in another.
TD50: Our standardized measure of carcinogenic potency, TD50, is the daily dose rate in mg/kg body weight/day to induce tumors in half of test animals that would have remained tumor-free at zero dose. Whenever there is more than one positive experiment in a species, the reported TD50 value is a Harmonic Mean calculated using the TD50 value from the most potent target site in each positive experiment.
Superscripts:   m = There is more than one positive experiment in the species, and TD50 values from each positive experiment are used in the calculation of the reported Harmonic mean of TD50.

The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of 6540 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on 1547 chemicals. The CPDB provides easy access to the bioassay literature, with qualitative and quantitative analyses of both positive and negative experiments that have been published over the past 50 years in the general literature through 2001 and by the National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program through 2004. The CPDB standardizes the diverse literature of cancer bioassays that vary widely in protocol, histopathological examination and nomenclature, and in the published author’s choices of what information to provide in their papers. Results are reported in the CPDB for tests in rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, and nonhuman primates.

For each experiment, information is included on species, strain, and sex of test animal; features of experimental protocol such as route of administration, duration of dosing, dose level(s) in mg/kg body weight/day, and duration of experiment; experimental results are provided on target organ, tumor type, and tumor incidence; carcinogenic potency (TD50) and its statistical significance; shape of the dose-response, author’s opinion as to carcinogenicity, and literature citation.

Only tests with dosing for at least ¼ the standard lifespan of the species and experiment length at least ½ the lifespan are included in the CPDB. Only routes of administration with whole body exposure are included. Doses are standardized, average dose rates in mg/kg/day. A description of methods used in the CPDB to standardize the diverse literature of animal cancer tests is presented for: 1) Criteria for inclusion of experiments 2) Standardization of average daily dose levels and 3) TD50 estimation for a standard lifespan. See Methods for other details.

TD50 provides a standardized quantitative measure that can be used for comparisons and analyses of many issues in carcinogenesis. The range of TD50 values across chemicals that are rodent carcinogens is more than 100 million-fold. More than half the chemicals tested are positive in at least one experiment.

A plot of all results on each experiment in the CPDB for this chemical is presented below. These results are the source information for the Cancer Test Summary table above.

Glycidol: All Experiments and Citations in CPDB

The definition of each code in the plot below will appear in a pop-up window when the field name in the header line is clicked, e.g., Strain, Site, Path. Each numbered line starts a new experiment and reports protocol information in black. Average daily dose-rates per kg body weight per day are in green. Remaining lines report experimental results in blue.

Abbreviations of fields in header line: # = the line number in the plot of all CPDB chemicals; Xpo = duration of dosing; Xpt = duration of experiment; Site = tissue; Path = tumor type; DR = dose-response; AuOp = author’s opinion about carcinogenicity; LoConf, UpConf = confidence limits (99%) on TD50; Inc = tumor incidence for each dose group.

See Guide to reading the plot for details on each field, using an example of one experiment.

See Help to improve readability, or to fit the plot onto the screen or a printed page.

Chemical (Synonym) CAS
# Species Sex Strain Route Xpo+Xpt PaperNum        0 Dose  1 Dose 2 Dose  3 Dose          Literature Reference or NCI/NTP:Site Path
Site Path Notes   TD50  DR Pval    AuOp LoConf UpConf   Cntrl   1 Inc  2 Inc   3 Inc                                                        Brkly Code

GLYCIDOL 556-52-5 3014 H f syg gav 14m24 2042 0 17.9mg Lijinsky;txih,8,267-271;1992 spl hes eh 56.1mg P<.05 + 19.3mg n.s.s. 0/12 4/20 liv hcs e P<.4 39.8mg n.s.s. 0/12 1/20 liv cho e P<.4 39.8mg n.s.s. 0/12 1/20 lun adc e no dre P=1. 75.3mg n.s.s. 1/12 0/20 tba tum e 71.8mg P<.8 8.94mg n.s.s. 7/12 13/20 3015 H m syg gav 14m24 2042 0 15.8mg for mal e 64.1mg P<.08 19.4mg n.s.s. 0/12 3/19 spl hes eh 99.1mg P<.2 + 24.3mg n.s.s. 0/12 2/19 liv hes e P<.4 33.2mg n.s.s. 0/12 1/19 tba tum e no dre P=1. 14.0mg n.s.s. 7/12 9/19 3016 M f b6c gav 24m24 TR374 : 0 17.7mg 35.4mg MXB MXB 15.3mg * P<.0005 10.2mg 26.6mg 5/50 21/50 37/50 hag:acn,adn; mgl:acn,adn,fba; ski:sqc,sqp; sub:fbs,srn; ute:acn,can. C hag MXA 32.9mg * P<.0005 c 18.2mg 4/50 11/50 17/50 hag:acn,adn. hag adn 36.0mg * P<.0005 19.4mg 4/50 10/50 16/50 S mgl acn 56.6mg * P<.0005 31.5mg 1/50 5/50 15/50 S mgl MXA 56.9mg * P<.0005 c 31.0mg 2/50 6/50 15/50 mgl:acn,adn,fba. sub MXA 86.4mg * P<.0005 c 43.1mg 0/50 3/50 9/50 sub:fbs,srn. sub srn * P<.003 60.9mg 0/50 1/50 6/50 S ute MXA * P<.02 c 51.3mg n.s.s. 0/50 3/50 3/50 ute:acn,can. MXA MXA * P<.04 52.6mg n.s.s. 1/50 3/50 5/50 liv:hem,hes; ova:hem; pec:hes; sub:hes; ute:hem,hes. S ute acn * P<.04 54.8mg n.s.s. 0/50 3/50 2/50 S sub fbs * P<.03 78.1mg n.s.s. 0/50 2/50 3/50 S ski MXA * P<.07 c n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 2/50 ski:sqc,sqp. TBA MXB 27.5mg * P<.08 10.9mg n.s.s. 45/50 46/50 47/50 liv MXB 76.0mg * P<.07 29.1mg n.s.s. 9/50 7/50 14/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. lun MXB 96.7mg * P<.2 32.3mg n.s.s. 6/50 10/50 8/50 lun:a/a,a/c. 3017 M m b6c gav 24m24 TR374 : 0 17.7mg 35.4mg hag MXA 41.7mg * P<.003 c 21.5mg 8/50 12/50 22/50 hag:acn,adn. for sqp 97.5mg * P<.0005 48.3mg 0/50 2/50 9/50 S for MXA * P<.003 c 47.7mg 1/50 2/50 10/50 for:sqc,sqp. MXB MXB 29.2mg * P<.05 12.3mg n.s.s. 35/50 41/50 46/50 for:sqc,sqp; hag:acn,adn; liv:hpa,hpc; lun:a/a,a/c; ski: sqp. C liv MXA 36.6mg * P<.04 c 15.8mg n.s.s. 24/50 31/50 35/50 liv:hpa,hpc. MXA MXA 38.8mg \ P<.03 15.4mg n.s.s. 5/50 12/50 (7/50) mul:mlh,mlm,mlp; thm:mlm. S liv hpa 41.2mg * P<.03 18.4mg n.s.s. 18/50 16/50 30/50 S hag adn 60.4mg * P<.03 27.2mg n.s.s. 7/50 10/50 16/50 S lun MXA 66.2mg * P<.07 c 26.2mg n.s.s. 13/50 11/50 21/50 lun:a/a,a/c. hag acn * P<.02 61.5mg n.s.s. 1/50 2/50 7/50 S ski sqp * P<.02 c 86.5mg n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 4/50 mul mlh * P<.04 n.s.s. 0/50 1/50 3/50 S epy srn * P<.09 e n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 2/50 ubl tcc * P<.3 e n.s.s. 0/50 1/50 1/50 TBA MXB 34.6mg * P<.2 12.6mg n.s.s. 42/50 47/50 49/50 liv MXB 36.6mg * P<.04 15.8mg n.s.s. 24/50 31/50 35/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. lun MXB 66.2mg * P<.07 26.2mg n.s.s. 13/50 11/50 21/50 lun:a/a,a/c. 3018 R f f34 gav 23m24 TR374 : 0 26.5mg 53.6mg MXB MXB a 4.13mg / P<.0005 2.43mg 7.45mg 25/50 39/50 42/50 bra:gln; cli:acn,adn,can; for:sqc,sqp; mgl:acn,fba; mth: sqc,sqp; mul:mnl; thy:fca,fcc; ton:sqp. C mgl MXA a 4.15mg / P<.0005 c 2.40mg 7.58mg 14/50 34/50 37/50 mgl:acn,fba. mgl fba a 4.55mg * P<.0005 c 2.52mg 8.70mg 14/50 32/50 29/50 cli MXA a 12.5mg / P<.0005 c 5.27mg 36.5mg 5/50 9/50 12/50 cli:acn,adn,can. ute esp a 13.5mg * P<.0005 6.57mg 39.2mg 19/50 21/50 14/50 S mul mnl a 14.0mg / P<.0005 c 7.12mg 32.9mg 13/50 14/50 20/50 cli adn a 16.7mg * P<.0005 6.73mg 56.7mg 3/50 7/50 7/50 S mgl acn a 23.0mg * P<.0005 c 11.9mg 46.8mg 1/50 11/50 16/50 for MXA a 28.5mg / P<.0005 c 11.0mg 62.5mg 0/50 4/50 11/50 for:sqc,sqp. for sqp a 31.4mg / P<.0005 11.3mg 77.8mg 0/50 4/50 8/50 S bra gln a 43.6mg * P<.0005 c 12.3mg 0/50 4/50 4/50 MXA MXA a 44.7mg * P<.0005 c 14.1mg 1/50 3/50 7/50 mth:sqc,sqp; ton:sqp. MXA sqp a 46.7mg * P<.0005 14.4mg 1/50 3/50 6/50 mth:sqp; ton:sqp. S ton sqp a 53.7mg * P<.0005 15.1mg 1/50 3/50 5/50 S cli MXA a 62.7mg * P<.008 14.0mg 2.21gm 2/50 2/50 5/50 cli:acn,can. S cli can a 64.1mg * P<.008 14.1mg 2.38gm 2/50 1/50 5/50 S thy MXA a 68.2mg * P<.003 c 13.1mg 0/50 1/50 3/50 thy:fca,fcc. pta adn a 30.6mg * P<.03 10.0mg n.s.s. 18/50 14/50 6/50 S sub MXA a 71.1mg * P<.02 15.8mg n.s.s. 1/50 4/50 2/50 sub:fbs,fib. S adr MXA a 91.1mg / P<.04 17.7mg n.s.s. 2/50 0/50 3/50 adr:con,crn. S ute MXA a / P<.02 20.1mg n.s.s. 1/50 0/50 4/50 ute:acn,adn. S for sqc a * P<.02 94.6mg n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 3/50 S thy fcc a * P<.02 n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 3/50 S stg fbs a * P<.07 e n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 2/50 TBA MXB a 3.88mg / P<.0005 2.29mg 7.16mg 43/50 43/50 47/50 liv MXB a no dre P=1. n.s.s. n.s.s. 0/50 0/50 0/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd. 3019 R m f34 gav 93w98 TR374 : 0 26.8mg 53.6mg tes ict a 1.49mg / P<.0005 .818mg 2.82mg 46/50 50/50 49/50 S MXB MXB a 2.30mg / P<.0005 1.04mg 4.74mg 8/50 40/50 46/50 bra:gln; col:adc,adp; for:sqc,sqp; mgl:fba; ski:bct,sea, sec; smi:mua; thy:fca,fcc; tnv:men,msm; zym:can. C mul mnl a 3.14mg / P<.0005 1.49mg 6.95mg 25/50 33/50 21/50 S tnv MXA a 4.42mg / P<.0005 c 1.75mg 8.36mg 3/50 34/50 39/50 tnv:men,msm. tnv msm a 5.68mg / P<.0005 1.94mg 12.1mg 3/50 24/50 31/50 S ski sqp a 7.00mg * P<.0005 1.31mg 80.1mg 0/50 3/50 3/50 S bra gln a 7.32mg * P<.0005 c 1.31mg 74.5mg 0/50 5/50 6/50 mgl fba a 7.97mg / P<.0005 c 2.65mg 27.8mg 3/50 8/50 7/50 lun MXA a 10.7mg * P<.0005 2.61mg 70.1mg 2/50 5/50 4/50 lun:a/a,a/c. S pre adn a 10.8mg * P<.002 2.87mg 85.3mg 5/50 7/50 1/50 S pre MXA a 11.2mg / P<.0005 3.43mg 68.2mg 10/50 7/50 5/50 pre:acn,adn. S pta MXA a 11.9mg * P<.005 2.94mg 8/50 8/50 2/50 pta:adn,can. S pta adn a 13.1mg * P<.009 3.08mg 8/50 7/50 2/50 S thy MXA a 16.5mg / P<.0005 c 3.45mg 81.4mg 1/50 4/50 6/50 thy:fca,fcc. lun a/a a 17.0mg * P<.003 3.07mg 1/50 3/50 2/50 S thy fcc a 19.7mg / P<.0005 3.46mg 1/50 2/50 5/50 S ski ker a 21.6mg * P<.003 3.55mg 1/50 4/50 1/50 S sub MXA a 25.3mg / P<.0005 6.08mg 4/50 5/50 5/50 sub:fbs,fib,nfm. S for MXA a 25.6mg / P<.0005 c 3.64mg 1/50 2/50 6/50 for:sqc,sqp. tnv men a 25.8mg * P<.0005 10.8mg 61.5mg 0/50 10/50 8/50 S ski MXA a 29.5mg / P<.0005 c 10.2mg 87.2mg 0/50 5/50 4/50 ski:bct,sea,sec. sub MXA a 30.0mg / P<.002 6.33mg 4/50 4/50 5/50 sub:fbs,fib. S ski MXA a 30.6mg * P<.0005 10.3mg 98.1mg 0/50 5/50 3/50 ski:bct,sea. S ton MXA a 37.8mg * P<.006 3.94mg 1.42gm 1/50 1/50 4/50 ton:sqc,sqp. S ski bct a 38.8mg * P<.0005 11.1mg 0/50 4/50 2/50 S thy cca a 42.8mg / P<.005 7.41mg 2/50 3/50 3/50 S sub MXA a 42.9mg / P<.002 8.90mg 2/50 3/50 4/50 sub:fib,nfm. S zym can a 49.8mg / P<.0005 c 14.7mg 1/50 3/50 6/50 sub fib a 55.9mg / P<.005 9.83mg 2/50 2/50 4/50 S for sqp a / P<.0005 35.5mg 0/50 1/50 5/50 S MXA MXA a * P<.004 c 89.0mg 1.88gm 0/50 1/50 4/50 col:adc,adp; smi:mua. MXA MXA a 72.3mg * P<.03 8.91mg n.s.s. 3/50 2/50 5/50 mth:sqc,sqp; ton:sqc,sqp. S TBA MXB a 1.66mg / P<.0005 .903mg 3.17mg 43/50 50/50 48/50 liv MXB a * P<.2 16.6mg n.s.s. 1/50 1/50 1/50 liv:hpa,hpc,nnd.

Mutagenicity in Salmonella: positive
SMILES Code for Glycidol: OCC1CO1
InChI Code for Glycidol: InChI=1/C3H6O2/c4-1-3-2-5-3/h3-4H,1-2H2
Source for SMILES and InChI: USEPA Distributed Structure-Searchable Toxicity (DSSTox) Database
Chemical Structure for Glycidol: Chemical Structure
Source for structure: National Library of Medicine ChemIDPlus

See full CPDB Summary Table on 1547 chemicals. See Full CPDB for all results on 6540 experiments of 1547 chemicals.

A complete list of CPDB chemicals, which is searchable by name or by CAS number, is available here.

For a compendium of CPDB results organized by target organ, which lists all chemicals in each species that induced tumors in each of 35 organs, see Summary Table by Target Organ.

The CPDB is available in several formats that permit printing and downloading into spreadsheets and statistical databases.

  1. A plot of the CPDB presents results of 1547 experiments on 6540 chemicals in an easily readable format that has been used in publications of the CPDB.
  2. A Screen version plot for use on a single computer screen, with the same data.
  3. Excel version of the same data.
  4. Tab-separated versions of the same data, which can be easily read into databases.

A Supplementary Dataset gives details on dosing and survival for each experiment.

Relatively precise estimates of the lower confidence limit on the TD10 (LTD10) are readily calculated from the TD50 and its lower confidence limit, which are reported in the CPDB. For researchers and regulatory agencies interested in LTD10 values, we provide them in an Excel spreadsheet.

PDF versions of our publications of analyses using the CPDB are available, organized by year and by research topic.

Carcinogenic Potency Database Project (CPDB) Home Page
For more information about this Web Page, contact
Last updated: October 3, 2007